Cascading Capitals
Presented by Suzie Beringer
April 26 & 27, 2025
9am-4pm MST on Zoom

Workshop Description
Creating tiny delicate Roman Capitals and allowing their placement to become a major part of the design is the focus of this workshop.
First let’s look at mono-line Roman Capitals – working through their basic shapes and proportions. Next we will dress them up with delicate serifs and last, but not least, creating lovely waisted strokes. As we begin using the pointed pen, we will talk about scaling down our letterforms as we breathe life into them.
With a series of carefully planned exercises we will take these capitals on a ride by taking off their training wheels (guidelines)…and letting them fly! By carefully thinking about the axis of each letterform you will create a visual texture of cascading, trickling and thoughtful scattering of letters. These will be based off your design. We will also use color and mica in our lettering designs. At the end of this workshop you will walk away with a great resource booklet that will record all of your ideas and notes.
About Suzie
Suzie Beringer is a lettering artist who makes her home in the Pacific Northwest. With a degree in commercial art with a life-time passion for calligraphy and mark making, she is constantly exploring new possibilities and pushing herself creatively. Her work has been published in Letter Arts Review as well as other publications. As a teacher she loves to share her passion for mark making and design with others. As an artist, Suzie loves the challenge and discovery that lettering on different surfaces brings. It has been said, that if something around her doesn’t move quickly enough it may end up with letters on it!
You can see more of her work on Instagram: @penstrokedesignstudio or visit